837BXi Delta T 300 m Profiling
The Imagenex Model 837BXi “Delta T” is a multiple receiver sonar system designed to provide video-like imaging with all the advantages of underwater sonar. Innovative digital signal processing is used to optimize data usage from all channels to achieve the best possible resolution at every point in the field of view. Recent advances in computing power have made it possible to transfer and process this data at resolutions equal to computer monitor resolution, and with image frame rates of better than 40 frames per second!
The Delta T system has been designed from the ground up with the most advanced, high accuracy, low power electronic components available to provide breakthroughs in system power consumption, package size, and price. This advanced electronics package has built in flexibility and programmability to accommodate a wide range of transducer arrays. Thus, the Delta T is the first in a family of new technology products which will have imaging and profiling capabilities to suit your underwater application. Imagenex sonars: advancing underwater imaging capability for the everyday user.

Underwater Hardware Specifications
260 kHz
Transducer Beam Width
Receive: 120° x 3°
Transmit: 120° x 3°
Effective Beam Widths
3°, 1.5°, 0.75°
120, 240, 480
*Data is acquired at full resolution every shot: processing the data for screen display on a PC can slow the system at highest number of beams. 120 beam mode is recommended for real time data acquisition. The data can then be played back at highest resolution (480 beam).
Range Resolution
Screen: 0.2% of range
Output: 0.02% of range
Min. Detectable Range
0.5 m
Max. Operating Depth
300 m
Frame Rate
Up to 40 fps
Interface to PC
Ethernet (100 Mbps) using TCP/IP
Max. Cable Length
100 m on CAT5e
(Longer cable runs possible with additional hardware)
End mounted, 8 conductor, wet mateable (Subconn MCBH8M-SS)
Optional right angle connector
Power Supply
20 – 50 VDC at less than 10 Watts
See Drawing
Weight in Air
~4 lbs
Weight in Water
~1.3 lbs
PVC, Epoxy, 316 Stainless Steel, Stainless Steel connector
Software Specifications
Windows™ Operating System
Windows™ XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Display Modes
Sector, Linear, Perspective, Profile, Beam Test
Persistence (Trail)
1 – 300 seconds
Range Scales
5 m, 10 m, 20 m, 30 m, 40 m, 50 m, 60 m, 80 m, 100 m
Sector Sizes
30°, 60°, 90°, 120°
File Format
Raw Data: (filename).IGX
Profile Point: (filename).83P
Recommended Minimum Computer Requirements
2 GHz Pentium 4
256 MB RAM
20 GB Hard Disk
1024 x 768 screen resolution
Ordering Information
300 m Unit
Right Angle Connector
Option -010
IP Address*
Option -020
*Note: Standard IP Address is
A different IP Address may be specified upon ordering.
IP Address can be reprogrammed in the field.
675 kHz
Option -022
External Trigger
Option -023
Dual Head Software
Option -024
Pitch, Roll, & Heading Sensor
Option -029
Option -055 (included)