COVID-19 Statement

At Imagenex Technology Corp. the health and safety of our team members, families, community, clients and suppliers is our top priority. With the outbreak of COVID-19, we have taken many precautionary steps to help reduce the risk of spreading the virus.
For now, we continue to operate in the safest manner possible. Our business is primarily commercial manufacturing and our contact with customers, sales representatives and support chains will continue by means of email or phone in order to practice and encourage social distancing.
Although we continue to strive towards a level of excellent service, we do recognize that we may encounter supplier delays that will have an effect on our ability to deliver goods on time. We will do our best to communicate any changes that might come to our scheduled deliveries.
We have begun rotating staff members attendance to minimize physical interactions and practice social distancing, and those who are able to work remotely are doing so. These practices may result with slightly longer lead times, but we assure you we are trying to maintain a balance between the ability to manufacture goods and the health and safety of our staff.
In closing, we feel deeply for all of those who have been impacted by this outbreak. We value your business and are working to help ensure our facility is a safe place for everyone who works here and our community.